Sphoorti Sponsored Covid Classes

By supporting coaching sessions to help kids become more involved in their everyday coursework, Sphoorti has made sure that education for the underprivileged areas continues.

Road beyond Covid

We must consider the pandemic’s long-term effects as well as the future damage it will inflict on society. We take great pride in putting plans into action that give educators the tools they need to guarantee that students will be supported when schools reopen.

Create a sense of belonging in the classroom

  • Improve students’ attention
  • Build community among classmates
  • Increase listening and learning abilities
  • Create effective classroom routines
  • Motivate students to be involved and paying attention

Students who have experienced trauma, disturbance, and unrest will be going back to school. We take comfort in the knowledge that teachers and children in Sphoorti communities will be prepared to overcome challenges when they return to school as we work through this trying period together.

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